Wednesday 27 March 2013

What is mini football?

  It's completely logical every user to ask himself this question, when he visits, so in this article I will give this user an answer.

  Mini football is not a computer or board game, it is mini variant of the most famous sport in the world. A lot of people associate it with futsal (which is football in sport hall or hard layout), but it's different. Mini football is a new direction of football. The short definition of it is a football game, played by two teams with 6 players each. The game is played on artificial grass field, with smaller size. Other names of mini football are "six-a-side" or "five plus one". Of course mini football has a lot of variates, people play it on different fields, with different number of players and different rules, but in the latest years, a lot of national federations are developed and they decided to put some standard in mini football. Now there are mini football Champions league, mini football European championship and even mini football World championship. So I can definitely conclude, that mini football is one of the most prospering sports for amateurs.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Purpose, plans and information

  May be some of you already wonder, how I will have a proper opinion on topics connected with MiniFootball. I feel obliged to give you an answer. I am playing minifootball since 2005. I have started to play in organized league since 2008. Up to now I've played for 4 different teams in 8 competitions organized by 4 leagues. Now I am playing minifootball at least three times a week in two different leagues. So I think this is enough experience in the game and it will help me to write proper analysis and to share common tactics, strategies and hints.

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Welcome to

Hi all,

Welcome to

  I hope you will enjoy your visit and will come back soon, in order to read the new articles. Here I will publish some rubrics, news and interesting facts about the new and fast developing direction of world's most famous sports - minifootball.

  I think that nowadays there are many players that play minifootball and all of them deserve to have a place where they can find useful information and where they can share their opinion. So please feel invited to share your opinion on all the concerned topics, but please don't offend me or other visitors. Spam will not be tolerated.